Photos from the best moments of the Pope's trip to Rio De Janeiro in Brazil for World Youth Day (JMJ)
VIDEO: Best Of Pope Francis' Trip To Brazil On World Youth Day (JMJ)
Photos from the best moments of the Pope's trip to Rio De Janeiro in Brazil for World Youth Day (JMJ)
Pope Francis' Homily on Final WYD (JMJ) Mass in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Pope Francis on Sunday, July 28, celebrated the concluding World Youth Day Mass in Rio de Janeiro on the beachfront of Copacabana, as the many events and initiatives that filled the articulated World Youth Day program are come to end.
Millions of pilgrims are preparing to leave the city and - as Pope Francis urged them to do - go home to share their experience of faith. Thousands of journalists, reporters, photographers and other media operators are also packing up after a busy week. It was an intense experience of life and of faith, people on the streets said. It was also an event which set a record for a Sunday mass participation, with 3 million faithful, 60 Cardinals, 1500 Bishops and 11000 priests.
This is the full text of the Pope's homily:
Brother Bishops and Priests,
Dear Young Friends,
“Go and make disciples of all nations”. With these words, Jesus is speaking to each one of us, saying: “It was wonderful to take part in World Youth Day, to live the faith together with young people from the four corners of the earth, but now you must go, now you must pass on this experience to others.” Jesus is calling you to be a disciple with a mission! Today, in the light of the word of God that we have heard, what is the Lord saying to us? Three simple ideas: Go, do not be afraid, and serve.
1. Go. During these days here in Rio, you have been able to enjoy the wonderful experience of meeting Jesus, meeting him together with others, and you have sensed the joy of faith. But the experience of this encounter must not remain locked up in your life or in the small group of your parish, your movement, or your community. That would be like withholding oxygen from a flame that was burning strongly. Faith is a flame that grows stronger the more it is shared and passed on, so that everyone may know, love and confess Jesus Christ, the Lord of life and history (cf. Rom 10:9).
Careful, though! Jesus did not say: “if you would like to, if you have the time”, but: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Sharing the experience of faith, bearing witness to the faith, proclaiming the Gospel: this is a command that the Lord entrusts to the whole Church, and that includes you; but it is a command that is born not from a desire for domination or power but from the force of love, from the fact that Jesus first came into our midst and gave us, not a part of himself, but the whole of himself, he gave his life in order to save us and to show us the love and mercy of God. Jesus does not treat us as slaves, but as free men, as friends, as brothers and sisters; and he not only sends us, he accompanies us, he is always beside us in our mission of love.
Where does Jesus send us? There are no borders, no limits: he sends us to everyone. The Gospel is for everyone, not just for some. It is not only for those who seem closer to us, more receptive, more welcoming. It is for everyone. Do not be afraid to go and to bring Christ into every area of life, to the fringes of society, even to those who seem farthest away, most indifferent. The Lord seeks all, he wants everyone to feel the warmth of his mercy and his love.
In particular, I would like Christ’s command: “Go” to resonate in you young people from the Church in Latin America, engaged in the continental mission promoted by the Bishops. Brazil, Latin America, the whole world needs Christ! Saint Paul says: “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” (1 Cor 9:16). This continent has received the proclamation of the Gospel which has marked its history and borne much fruit. Now this proclamation is entrusted also to you, that it may resound with fresh power. The Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you. A great Apostle of Brazil, Blessed José de Anchieta, set off on the mission when he was only nineteen years old. Do you know what the best tool is for evangelizing the young? Another young person. This is the path to follow!
2. Do not be afraid. Some people might think: “I have no particular preparation, how can I go and proclaim the Gospel?” My dear friend, your fear is not so very different from that of Jeremiah, a young man like you, when he was called by God to be a prophet. We have just heard his words: “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth”. God says the same thing to you as he said to Jeremiah: “Be not afraid ... for I am with you to deliver you” (Jer 1:7,8). He is with us!
“Do not be afraid!” When we go to proclaim Christ, it is he himself who goes before us and guides us. When he sent his disciples on mission, he promised: “I am with you always” (Mt 28:20). And this is also true for us! Jesus does not leave us alone, he never leaves you alone! He always accompanies you.
And then, Jesus did not say: “One of you go”, but “All of you go”: we are sent together. Dear young friends, be aware of the companionship of the whole Church and also the communion of the saints on this mission. When we face challenges together, then we are strong, we discover resources we did not know we had. Jesus did not call the Apostles to live in isolation, he called them to form a group, a community. I would like to address you, dear priests concelebrating with me at this Eucharist: you have come to accompany your young people, and this is wonderful, to share this experience of faith with them! But it is a stage on the journey. Please continue to accompany them with generosity and joy, help them to become actively engaged in the Church; never let them feel alone! And at this point I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to theYouth Ministery groups, to the Movements and the new Communities that accompany the young people in their experience of being Church. They are so creative, so audacious. Carry on and do not be afraid!
3. The final word: serve. The opening words of the psalm that we proclaimed are: “Sing to the Lord a new song” (Psalm 95:1). What is this new song? It does not consist of words, it is not a melody, it is the song of your life, it is allowing our life to be identified with that of Jesus, it is sharing his sentiments, his thoughts, his actions. And the life of Jesus is a life for others. It is a life of service.
In our Second Reading today, Saint Paul says: “I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more” (1 Cor 9:19). In order to proclaim Jesus, Paul made himself “a slave to all”. Evangelizing means bearing personal witness to the love of God, it is overcoming our selfishness, it is serving by bending down to wash the feet of our brethren, as Jesus did.
Three words: Go, do not be afraid, and serve. Follow these three words: Go, do not be afraid, and serve. If you follow these three ideas, you will experience that the one who evangelizes is evangelized, the one who transmits the joy of faith receives joy. Dear young friends, as you return to your homes, do not be afraid to be generous with Christ, to bear witness to his Gospel. In the first Reading, when God sends the prophet Jeremiah, he gives him the power to “pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant” (1:10). It is the same for you. Bringing the Gospel is bringing God’s power to pluck up and break down evil and violence, to destroy and overthrow the barriers of selfishness, intolerance and hatred, so as to build a new world. Jesus Christ is counting on you! The Church is counting on you! The Pope is counting on you! May Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, always accompany you with her tenderness: “Go and make disciples of all nations”. Amen.
Pope Francis' Message On the Holy Vigil in Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro
Pope Francis joined around three million young people on Copacabana beach Saturday, July 27 evening, for a prayer vigil on the eve of the final Mass marking World Youth Day, 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The centerpiece of the vigil was a Eucharistic procession. The event featured litanies and hymns, as well as the testimonies of four different young people.
In his remarks to the youthful pilgrims, Pope Francis focused on the image of the field of faith – the name of the venue at which the vigil was originally to have taken place, before the week’s inclement weather rendered it unusable: the field as a place to sow seed and raise crops; the field as a place of training; the field as construction site.
The Holy Father also had words of encouragement for the many young people around the world – and especially in Brazil, who in recent days and weeks have taken to the streets to call for the betterment of their societies in a spirit of greater brotherhood. “I encourage them,” he said, “in an orderly, peaceful and responsible manner, motivated by the values of the Gospel, to continue overcoming apathy and offering a Christian response to social and political concerns present in their countries.”
Below is the full text of Pope Francis’ remarks:
Dear Young Friends,
We have just recalled the story of Saint Francis of Assisi. In front of the crucifix he heard the voice of Jesus saying to him: “Francis, go, rebuild my house”. The young Francis responded readily and generously to the Lord’s call to rebuild his house. But which house? Slowly but surely, Francis came to realize that it was not a question of repairing a stone building, but about doing his part for the life of the Church. It was a matter of being at the service of the Church, loving her and working to make the countenance of Christ shine ever more brightly in her.
Today too, as always, the Lord needs you, young people, for his Church. Today too, he is calling each of you to follow him in his Church and to be missionaries. How? In what way? Well, I think we can learn something from what happened in these days: as we had to cancel due to bad weather, the realization of this vigil on the campus Fidei, in Guaratiba. Lord willing might we say that the real area of faith, the true campus fidei, is not a geographical place - but we, ourselves? Yes! Each of us, each one of you. And missionary discipleship means to recognize that we are God’s campus fidei, His “field of faith”! Therefore, from the image of the field of faith, starting with the name of the place, Campus Fidei, the field of faith, I have thought of three images that can help us understand better what it means to be a disciple and a missionary. First, a field is a place for sowing seeds; second, a field is a training ground; and third, a field is a construction site.
1. A field is a place for sowing seeds. We all know the parable where Jesus speaks of a sower who went out to sow seeds in the field; some seed fell on the path, some on rocky ground, some among thorns, and could not grow; other seed fell on good soil and brought forth much fruit (cf. Mt 13:1-9). Jesus himself explains the meaning of the parable: the seed is the word of God sown in our hearts (cf. Mt 13:18-23). This, dear young people, means that the real Campus Fidei, the field of faith, is your own heart, it is your life. It is your life that Jesus wants to enter with his word, with his presence. Please, let Christ and his word enter your life, blossom and grow.
Jesus tells us that the seed which fell on the path or on the rocky ground or among the thorns bore no fruit. What kind of ground are we? What kind of terrain do we want to be? Maybe sometimes we are like the path: we hear the Lord’s word but it changes nothing in our lives because we let ourselves be numbed by all the superficial voices competing for our attention; or we are like the rocky ground: we receive Jesus with enthusiasm, but we falter and, faced with difficulties, we don’t have the courage to swim against the tide; or we are like the thorny ground: negativity, negative feelings choke the Lord’s word in us (cf. Mt 13:18-22). But today I am sure that the seed is falling on good soil, that you want to be good soil, not part-time Christians, not “starchy” and superficial, but real. I am sure that you don’t want to be duped by a false freedom, always at the beck and call of momentary fashions and fads. I know that you are aiming high, at long-lasting decisions which will make your lives meaningful. Jesus is capable of letting you do this: he is “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6). Let’s trust in him. Let’s make him our guide!
2. A field is a training ground. Jesus asks us to follow him for life, he asks us to be his disciples, to “play on his team”. I think that most of you love sports! Here in Brazil, as in other countries, football is a national passion. Now, what do players do when they are asked to join a team? They have to train, and to train a lot! The same is true of our lives as the Lord’s disciples. Saint Paul tells us: “athletes deny themselves all sorts of things; they do this to win a crown of leaves that withers, but we a crown that is imperishable” (1 Cor 9:25). Jesus offers us something bigger than the World Cup! He offers us the possibility of a fulfilled and fruitful life; he also offers us a future with him, an endless future, eternal life. But he asks us to train, “to get in shape”, so that we can face every situation in life undaunted, bearing witness to our faith. How do we get in shape? By talking with him: by prayer, which is our daily conversation with God, who always listens to us. By the sacraments, which make his life grow within us and conform us to Christ. By loving one another, learning to listen, to understand, to forgive, to be accepting and to help others, everybody, with no one excluded or ostracized. Dear young people, be true “athletes of Christ”!
3. A field is a construction site. When our heart is good soil which receives the word of God, when “we build up a sweat” in trying to live as Christians, we experience something tremendous: we are never alone, we are part of a family of brothers and sisters, all journeying on the same path: we are part of the Church; indeed, we are building up the Church and we are making history. Saint Peter tells us that we are living stones, which form a spiritual edifice (cf. 1 Pet 2:5). Looking at this platform, we see that it is in the shape of a church, built up with stones and bricks. In the Church of Jesus, we ourselves are the living stones. Jesus is asking us to build up his Church, but not as a little chapel which holds only a small group of persons. He asks us to make his living Church so large that it can hold all of humanity, that it can be a home for everyone! To me, to you, to each of us he says: “Go and make disciples of all nations”. Tonight, let us answer him: Yes, I too want to be a living stone; together we want to build up the Church of Jesus! Let us all say together: I want to go forth and build up the Church of Christ!
In your young hearts, you have a desire to build a better world. I have been closely following the news reports of the many young people who throughout the world have taken to the streets in order to express their desire for a more just and fraternal society - (and here in Brazil), they have gone out into the streets to express a desire for a more just and fraternal civilization. These are young people who want to be agents of change. I encourage them, in an orderly, peaceful and responsible manner, motivated by the values of the Gospel, to continue overcoming apathy and offering a Christian response to social and political concerns present in their countries. But the question remains: Where do we start? What are the criteria for building a more just society? Mother Teresa of Calcutta was once asked what needed to change in the Church. Her answer was: you and I!
Dear friends, never forget that you are the field of faith! You are Christ’s athletes! You are called to build a more beautiful Church and a better world. Let us lift our gaze to Our Lady. Mary helps us to follow Jesus, she gives us the example by her own “yes” to God: “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be done to me as you say” (Lk 1:38). All together, let us join Mary in saying to God: let it be done to me as you say. Amen!
لا يكفيكم القليل ولا يشبعكم الكثير
في سنة 1748 قامت الحملات الكشفية الايطالية بالتنقيب عن آثار مدينة (بومبي) وهي مدينة قديمة تقع عند سفح جبل فيزوف جنوب ايطاليا كانت هذه المدينة مركزاً مزدهراً يعج بالحياة والحركة حتى ثار البركان الغادر فجأة حتى طمر المدينة بأكملها وحفظ اسرارها تحت التراب أكثر من خمسة عشر قرناً من الزمان وحين رفعت الأتربة والرمال وكتل الطين والحمم كشف المنقبون وجه المدينة بأبنيتها وشوارعها وزخارفها ووجدوا هيكلاً عظيماً لسيده غنية طمرتها الحمم الساقطة من البركان بعد أن تخلفت عن بقية افراد اسرتها الهاربة لتجمع مجوهراتها فلحقها الموت وهي تحتضن الذهب.
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Pompeii |
حقاً إنها شهادة مأساوية حفرتها الحقيقة على وجه التاريخ الانساني تؤكد أن الانسان مع كل ما بلغه من علم وتقدم وعقل وفكر فإنه كثيراً ما يفقد حياته الغالية وهو منشغل بجمع أشياء صغيرة من فتات الحياة على حساب الحياة نفسها .
ان حياتنا هي أغلى من كل كنوز الأرض والدنيا. والعالم مهما أعطى فإنه لا ولن يعطي خلود النفس أو سلام القلب.
نحن في هذه الدنيا تجار خاسرون نبيع بأقل من ثمن الشراء نبيع أرواحنا الخالدة في مقابل شراء أشياء أرضية زائلة إننا ننسى أن حياتنا هي قطرة واحده في محيط الزمن أو أنها سحابة عابرة في سماء الأبدية اللانهائية لماذا نفني أجمل أيام عمرنا سعياً وراء مقتنيات الدنيا الفانيه فلا يكفينا القليل ولا يشبعنا الكثير؟
وفي سعينا وراء الدنيا نخسر أنفسنا. ان هذا العالم بكل أمجاده ظل عابر فهل نريد أن نجري وراء ظل؟ وراء سراب؟ هو كموج البحر يصعد ويهبط ثم ينحل على الشاطىء فهل نريد أن يكون نصيبنا في الحياة موجه؟ هو صورة مزخرفة ولكن أقل الاشياء تمزقها، هو زهرة جميلة سرعان ما تقطف وبعد قليل تذبل.
By Anonymous Author
Message Of The Virgin Mary To The World on July 25, 2013 From Medjugorje
“Dear children! With joy in my heart I call all of you to live your faith and to witness it with your heart and by your example in every way. Decide, little children, to be far from sin and temptation and may there be joy and love for holiness in your hearts. I love you, little children, and accompany you with my intercession before the Most High. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
I make a Difference!
Somebody asked: "You're a Nurse? How much do you make?"
I replied: "HOW MUCH DO I MAKE?" ...
I can make holding your hand seem like the most important thing in the world when you're scared...
I can make your child breathe when they stop...
I can help your father survive a heart attack...
I can make myself stay up all night to make sure your mother has the medicine she needs to live...
I work all day to save the lives of strangers...
I will drop everything and help in a code blue for hours trying to keep you alive!!!
I make my family wait for dinner until I know your family member is taken care of...
I make myself skip lunch so that I can make sure that everything we did for your wife today was correct...
I work weekends and holidays and all through the night because people don't just get sick Sunday through Thursday and during normal working hours.
Today, I might save your life.
How much do I make? All I know is, I MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Pope Francis' Sunday Angelus Message on July 21, 2013
On the eve of his departure to Brazil for the World Youth Day celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, Pope Francis from the window of the apostolic palace asked those present in St Peter’s Square to accompany him spiritually in prayer for this his first Apostolic visit He also entrusted what he called “this new stage of the great pilgrimage of young people across the world”, to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who he added, is so loved and venerated in Brazil.
The Holy Father was speaking following the recitation of the Angelus underlining that at this time, young people should listen to the voice of Jesus. The week of World Youth Day said the Pope could also be called “World Youth Week as it is a week devoted to youth. Peering down at the huge crowds in St Peter’s Square Pope Francis noticed a banner held up by a group of pilgrims, which read “Buon Viaggio” or “have a good trip”. He smiled and thanked them for their good wishes.
The Pope on Sunday also focused his attention on the Gospel reading from Luke which recounts the story of Martha and Mary and their brother Lazarus. Pope Francis described how both sisters offered hospitality to Jesus on his visit to their house, but in different ways. Mary places herself at the feet of Jesus while Martha is busy preparing things.
The Holy Father explained that both of these disciplines, service and prayer are needed to serve the Lord, “they are not two opposing attitudes but, on the contrary both are two aspects essential to our Christian life aspects that should never be separated, but lived in profound unity and harmony.”
Even in our Christian lives, continued the Pope, prayer and action are always deeply united. A prayer that does not lead to concrete action towards a poor brother, who is sick, and in need of help, is a prayer that is sterile and incomplete. But, equally, Pope Francis said, when in ecclesial service you are careful only to give more attention to objects, functions, and structures, and forget the centrality of Christ, you are likely to serve these earthy things and not God.
At the end of the Angelus Pope Francis as has become traditional wished all present a good Sunday and a good lunch.
Holy Gospel: Feast of Saint Charbel
First Letter to the Corinthians 12:1-11.
Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, you were enticed and led astray to idols that could not speak. Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says ‘Let Jesus be cursed!’ and no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit. Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to
Saint Matthew 12:22-32.
Then they brought to him a demoniac who was blind and mute; and he cured him, so that the one who had been mute could speak and see. All the crowds were amazed and said, ‘Can this be the Son of David?’ But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, ‘It is only by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons, that this fellow casts out the demons.’ He knew what they were thinking and said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand? If I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your own exorcists cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you. Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his property, without first tying up the strong man? Then indeed the house can be plundered. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Therefore I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
كيف يكون الزواج مقدسا؟
"ليش البشر نازلين ودرب الرب
طلوع؟" ( القديس شربل).
أخرى نتأمل بهذه الحكمة العظيمة من أقوال القديس شربل ونقارنها بأنفسنا وكأن
القديس العظيم ابن لبنان البار يسألنا: هل
أنت مسيحي حقا؟ هل تستحق الجنسية المسيحية التي منحت لك بالعماد؟ أم أنك تصنع
لنفسك ثقافة حسب أهوائك ورغباتك واحتياجاتك وشهواتك وأنانيتك وتدعي بأنك مسيحي؟
تأمل بسيط في الارتباط الزوجي بحسب تعاليم المسيح, وليس ثمة من يرغمك على الاقتداء
بها. أنه فقط خيارك لأن تكون ابنا بارا ومباركا بالرب أو أن تكون أبن العالم. أنه
ليس فقط تأمل بل صلاة وعهد لا تقطعه مع أحد بل مع نفسك قبل كل شيء. لتكن
صلاتك: ربي ، أنا لا أدعي الكمال وأعترف بأن خطيئتي عظيمة جدا ولا أستحق أن تدخل الى
، أنني فقط أنقل لكم الرسالة وليبارككم الرب القدوس القادر على كل شيء.
أمه أمي وأبوه أبي وهكذا....
هل زواجي في الرب هوعهد زواج بيني وبين زوجتي؟
هل هو عهد زواج كنسي روحي مقدس وليس عقداً مدنياً؟ ما معنى أن نكرس زواجنا للرب؟
لأنه على شبه علاقة المسيح بالكنيسة والرب يبارك ويقدس زواجنا لأنه هو الذي جمعنا،
وما جمعه الله لا يفرقه انسان (متى 19) كما
أن زواجي يخضع لشريعة الجسد الواحد لذلك يترك الرجل أباه وأمه ويلتزم بامرأته
ويكونان جسداً واحداً (تك 2) والرب يسوع دعم هذه الحقيقة. بالزواج لم نعد بعد
اثنين بل واحد وأن هذه الوحده فيها الزوج هو الرأس والزوجة الجسد (أف 5) لذلك كمل
بولس الرسول المعنى بقوله من يحب امرأته يحب نفسه فانه لم يبغض احداً نفسه قط وآدم
قال هذه الآن عظم من عظامي ولحم من لحمي وهذا الاعتراف يطرد القسوة والشدة والبغض
في التعامل ويجلب اللطف والحب وان الرب نفسه الذي أمر المرأة ان تطيع زوجها هو
نفسه الذي أمر الرجل ان يحب امرأته كما أحب المسيح الكنيسة (أف 5).
هل أنا
متحدة بزوجي كاتحاد الرب بالكنيسة وهذا الاتحاد يعني ان امه أمي وأبوه أبي وهكذا؟ ان
الله هو الطرف الثالث باتحادنا يعني ان اولادي هم أيضاً اولاد الله بسبب هذا
الاتحاد الروحي والخيط المثلث، لا ينقطع لأن الله بروحه القدوس وحدنا.
زواجي ينمو في كل يوم ويتقدم نحو الله ؟ ان
زواجي ليس علاقة عاطفية ولا اجتماعية ولا لتكوين حياة خاصة وانما هو مسؤوليه روحية
واجتماعية وبيتي مكرس واولادي مكرسين للرب وأبناء صالحين لله والمجتمع والكنيسة
والبيت وان امانه جيل توضع بين ايدينا.
هل نحن
نخضع زواجنا في كل يوم للروح القدس؟ هل نمشي حسب الوصايا ونعلن سلطان الكلمة
المقدسه على زواجنا؟ إن الزواج المقدس ممسوح بروح الله.
نتوب عن كل خطايا الأباء والاجداد التي لها القدرة ان تأتي باللعنة على الزواج،
اللعنة التي لها القدرة ان تمشي عبر الاجيال لتقسم الزواج. البركة تسري في زواج عفيف
طاهر لأن حب الزوجين هو كما يحب المسيح الكنيسة (أف 5).
هل نحن
نحافظ على مضجع غير نجس، ومقدس (عب 12)؟ وهل امورنا الماليه التي نسدد بها
الاحتياجات طاهرة ونقية والرب له نصيب فيها واولادنا من هذا الاتحاد مباركين
مقدسين وضمن العهد المقدس، وبيوتنا مكرسه للرب وللرب أيضاً نصيب فيها وأعمالنا
مباركة وسوية دون غش أو رياء؟
الزوجان معا يحسنان تدبير المنزل ومستوعبان لعبء النواحي الماليه ومغطيان كل
الجوانب الاقتصادية وقادران بمعونة الله، ان يواجها كل اعباء الحياة واحداثها
ومسؤوليتها ومفاجأتها، هل يساهم الزوجان معا في تربية الأولاد ويكلماهم ويجلسا معهم (تث 6) ويهتما بتربيتهما
المسيحية وذهابهما الى القداس الألهي أيام الآحاد ووالأعياد؟
هل نحن
نرفض كل أمور غير مقدسة ولها تأثير على زواجنا (اتحادنا) (علاقات سابقه، ذكريات
قديمة) تعطي فرصة للعدو ان يجلب الماضي الى حياتنا؟ هل نتوب عن كل العلاقات
القديمة والتحديات وكل ما حصل قبل الزواج؟ هل نرفض الزنى ودخول طرف ثالث يفرق
اتحادنا باسم يسوع؟ الشجار والنزاع وعدم التفاهم والخلافات والشك؟ هل نحاول
الابتعاد عن المخاصمات والمقاطعات وعن أي أمر، مهما كان، يؤثر على اتحادنا ويمنع تقدمه
الى الأمام؟ إن أي
أمر في الماضي صار ماضياً اليوم كل شيء خليقة جديدة بالمسيح لا يُسمى بيننا أي أمر
سيء، رديء، نجس،..... (اف 3).
فهم النفسيتة
والطباع والعقلية والتعامل بحكمة الله، وبالتالي فهم طباع ونفسية الأولاد وأن لا
نسمح بأن يكون اولادنا ضحية لنفسيتنا. بالحكمة
أبني بيتي وبالفهم يثبت ومخافة الرب في قلب زوجي يكون ملجأ لبنيه (أم 14).
زواج اولادي يتم في وقت الرب وليس في حالة نضوجهم الجنسي فقط ولكن في النضوج الإيماني
والفكري والعاطفي والاجتماعي؟ هذا النضوج يساعدهم في الاختيار لتكوين حياة هادئة
سليمه مستقرة بعيده عن المشاكل والتصرفات الطائشة اللامسؤوله والخلافات الزوجية. وليكن
زواجهم ضمن المذهب والعقيدة ليكون بيتهم هادىء ومتزن ويحتفلوا في كل المناسبات
الكنيسة، صلوات، أصوام، وأعياد دينيه.
المدني لا يسد أبدا عن الزواج الكنسي لانه يهتم فقط بالأمور الدنيوية، وهي زائلة. أما الزواج الروحي فهو زواج يجمعه
الله، ويكون زواج اولادنا في حياتنا سبب فرح وبهجة وامتداد لعائلتنا وليس سبب
مرارة وتعاسة لنا.
اعطانا الاولاد لكي يكونوا اولاداً له وفي بيتي يوجد فرق بين الاقتصاد والبخل ،
بين الحياة الكريمة وبين الترف والاسراف ويوجد فرق بين الاقتصاد وكنز المال وما
دام الله هو طرف ثالث اذاً له نصيب من كل شيء ويوجد فرق بين الضروريات والكماليات
وبين الاحتياجات والرغبات والشهوات.
في اليوم الآخير سنقف أمام كرسي المسيح أنا وزوجتي واولادي ونقول : ها نحن والاولاد
الذي اعطانيهم الرب (أش 8) (عب 12).
By Anonymous Author
إلى كل من فقد فلذة كبده في ريعان الشباب
بقلم ألفريدو لاما
الرياح المكسورة
كفراشة الحقل رفراف الجناح ...
فوق كل الزهر بزهاء طائف
كزنبق الطهر متلألئ الوشاح ...
من عين قطرات الندى راشف
كهدوء الليل متمكن الحواس ...
بلمعان من بريق النجم شاغف
يختال شموخا في نضج وزهو...
يسرح ميادا وللأنظار خاطف
عنفوان في ربيع العمر هائم ...
يتيه نبلا خلوقا جياش العواطف
مرهف الحس حاضر الذهن ...
لا يبدو من مرارة العيش خائف
على عتبة الدراسة خطواته ...
من خلفها شاطىء الطفولة عازف
ألحان الثقافة في شجوغناؤه ...
وللعلم تواق ماخرعباب المصاحف
لم يعطه القدر مقدارا من قدره...
فجاء نوءه دون وازع للنفس عاصف
انطفئت شموع الحياة في بغتة...
فانكسرت رياح الروح بصاعق آزف
ترك على اطلاله نواقيس تدق...
ذكرى يعتصر رنينها شوك آلام نازف
واحبيبي كيف تتركني ولداه ...
الهي،، بقلبي بروحي قد غار سيف قاصف.
الفريدو لاما
بيكفي تعرف الطريق تا توصل لازم تمشي عليها. ألله بيضوّيلك على الصفحات بس لازم
انت تقرأ، الله بنوّرلك دربك بس لازم انت تمشي." (القديس
ما أجمل ما قاله القديس شربل إبن لبنان البار. حكمة في غاية الروعة نطقها
بكلمات بسيطة فدوّت أصداءها عبر التاريخ لنقرأها نحن أيضا هنا في هذا المنبر
الماروني المبارك ونتأمل فيها ونحن نحتفل في هذه الأيام بعيده الميمون. أعاده الله
ومن خلال هذا الصدى النيّر لهذه الدرر أردت أن أطرح على القارىء تأملا،
لعلنا بوضعه تحت المجهر نتأمل حقبة من الزمن نرى من خلالها ماهية الطريق الذي سار
عليه الأبرار الذين أسسوا بدمائهم دعائم الارتكاز للكنيسة جمعاء ونتأمل أيضا كيف
مشوا عليه نحو هدف الله المعلن ليتمجد اسمه القدوس فيكون لنا الخلاص.
قال الرب في انجيل يوحنا 33:16 "في
العالم سيكون لكم ضيق" وكأنه يلقي الضوء على درب لا بد لنا وأن نسير فيه لكي نصل.
طريق يبدو صعبا ورهيبا ولكن بوعده الألهي أكد لنا الوصول بمجد وكرامة حين أردف
قائلا "ولكن ثقوا، أنا قد غلبت العالم". أنه الطريق الذي سلكه المسيحيون
في القرون الثلاث الأولى من تارخ العهد الجديد. ولا زال العدد العديد منهم يسلكونه
الى هذه لساعة.
طريق الاضطهادات العشرة من زمن نشأت المسيحية في العصر الروماني.
الإضطهاد الأول:
وقع سنه 81م أيام حكم فسباسيان
الذي خلف نيرون الطاغية. وأهم الحوادث في أيامه هي تأديب اليهود وتخريب أورشليم
وهدم الهيكل وحرقه على يد تيطس أبنه وقائد جيشه الذي بعد حصار أشد ضيقاً مما حكاه
التاريخ استولى على المدينة ودمر الهيكل وأهلك مليون يهودي وأستولى على نفائس
الهيكل وحملها معه إلى روما كما فعل نبوخذ نصر ملك بابل من قبله وكان ذلك قبل 660
سنة من عهده.
الإضطهاد الثاني:
وقع سنة 96م في أواخر حكم
الإمبراطور دومينيان الذي في أيامه نفى الرسول يوحنا إلى جزيرة بطمس.
الإضطهاد الثالث:
وقع سنه 107م في أوائل حكم
الإمبراطور تراجان.
الإضطهاد الرابع:
وقع سنه 177م في حكم ماركوس اوريليوس.
الإضطهاد الخامس:
وقع سنه 192م في آخر حكم
الإضطهاد السادس:
وقع سنه 230م في حكم الكسندر
الإضطهاد السابع:
وقع سنة 251م في أول حكم
الإضطهاد الثامن:
وقع سنه 258م في آخر حكم
الإضطهاد التاسع:
وقع سنه 284م في أول حكم ديوقلسيانوس وبه ابتدأ تاريخ الشهداء الأقباط
في مصر.
الإضطهاد العاشر:
استمر من سنة 303م إلى سنة 313 ومدته عشر سنوات وقد وقع في مده
حكم (ديوقلسيانوس) وهنا ختام الإضطهادات العامة.
وقد بدأ إضطهاد المسيحين الفعلي
وبعنف في حكم نيرون الطاغية 54 – 68م إذ في سنة 64 شبت نار في روما ودام اللهيب
ستة أيام ولياليها حتى جعل نصفها رماداً وشاع حينذاك أن نيرون أمر بذلك الحريق لكي
تخلو المدينة من أبنيتها العتيقة ليعيد بنائها على نظام أبدع. وأنه من على سطح
قصره كان يشاهد المنظر المؤلم وهو يتغنى بقصيدة من نظمه. ولكي يحول عنه الظنون،
أتهم المسيحين بالمؤامرة على روما إتماماً لنبواتهم حيث كانوا يبشرون بمجيء المسيح
ثانية وهلاك العالم الشرير واحتراق روما بالنار كما جاء (2 بط 3 : 11 – 13) فكان
هذا الاتهام مبرراً لإثارة اقسى أنواع الاضطهادات في تاريخ الكنيسة فقد دهنت أجساد
الكثيرين من المسيحين بالزيت وأشعلت فيهم النار ليلاً لكي يقوموا مقام المصابيح في
الحدائق الملكية .
وفي الإضطهاد العاشر (في أواخر
حكم ديوكلسيانوس) وقع أعنف اضطهاد على المسيحين من الأباطرة الوثنيين فكان المسيحيون
يطرحون في السجون العميقة ويلقون أمام السباع في الملاعب ويحرقون بالنار الخفيفة
ويماتون بطرق أخرى كثيرة وشديدة القسوة.
وأبدى هؤلاء الشهداء كل التقوى
والثبات في تحمل الآلام وهذه الآلام جاءت بالكثيرين إلى دائرة الإيمان. وكان
المسيحيون في جميع الاضطهادات يلجأون إلى المغارات والسراديب التي تقع تحت مدينة
روما وكانوا هناك يدفنون موتاهم ويرسمون على حوائط القبور رموز رجائهم، واثارهم
موجوده إلى الآن.
By Anonymous Author
Pope Francis' Sunday Angelus Message on July 14, 2013
Pope Francis on Sunday visited the hill top town of Castelgandolfo, urging the thousands of locals and visitors to be visible signs of hope and peace in the world. Some ten thousand people, led by the mayor and bishop of nearby Albano, gathered in the square and side streets surrounding the papal summer residence ahead of the Holy Father’s arrival on Sunday morning.
Greeting each and every well-wisher in Castelgandolfo, Pope Francis thanked especially the religious and civil authorities, as well as all the staff who work in the Pontifical Villa where popes have traditionally spent time over the summer period – in particular he remembered his two immediate predecessors, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Blessed Pope John Paul II
Speaking at the midday Angelus prayer, Pope Francis reflected on the Sunday Gospel which recounts the story of the Good Samaritan and recalled the figure of a 16th century Italian priest who is popularly known as a patron saint of the sick and all who care for them
St Camillo de Lellis, who died on July 14th 1614, founded a congregation known as the Camillians recognized by a large red cross on their cassocks which they wore as they took care of the sick and dying on the battlefield. Today, the anniversary of his death, marks the opening of a year of celebrations for the four centenaries of those who have followed in his footsteps and Pope Francis prayed especially for all doctors, nurses and healthcare workers who continue to work as Good Samaritans in our suffering world today.
Adultery (Article in Arabic)
"أما الزاني فإنه يخطئ إلى جسده" (1 كو 6 : 18).
أهربوا من الزنى لأن كل خطيئة يفعلها الإنسان هي خارج الجسد أما الزاني فهو يخطئ إلى جسده.
هناك حروب روحية يطلب منا فيها استعمال المهارة في الكر وفي الفر. لهذا القديس بولس الخبير بأساليب الحرب الروحية يعلمنا كيفية تطبيق ذلك فمن أجل الحق يعلمنا على الثبات أثناء المعركة "انهضوا إذن وشدوا أحقائكم بالحق" (أف 6 : 14). ولكن أمام الشهوة يأمرنا بالفرار "أهربوا من الزنى" (1 كو 6 : 18). وإن هددك العالم الشيطاني بمكر فالأفضل أن تعمل ضده وان صوب نحوك سهم المذمة فحارب كذبه وقف ازاءه وجهاً لوجه ولكن ان رسم بكلامه لك صورة الزنى فادر ظهرك وأهرب.
إن الخطيئة في غير الزنى تراعى الخاطئ وتحافظ عليه لأن الفعل يقع على غيره. مثلاً، السرقة يقع ضررها على المسروق، وفي المدح والذم فإن الضرر يقع على المذموم. أما الزنى فلا يعرف هذا التقييم ولا يفصل الجسد عن الفعل.
الزنى يسبب الضرر للاثنين معاً لأنه يدنس الزاني والزانية بالاتحاد بالزنى، فالذي يدنس جسد غيره يدنس نفسه أيضاً. قد لا يموت القاتل حينما يقتل غيره، أما الزاني فيدنس جسده أيضاً. أهربوا من الزنى، يوصي الرسول بولس المملوء حكمة، لأن كل خطية يفعلها الإنسان هي خارج جسده أما الزاني فيجرم إلى جسده وهو ليس كالقاتل الذي يجرم إلى جسد غيره فقط بينما يحافظ على جسده. ولا كالطماع أو السارق أوغيرهما الذين يقصدون الضرر بغيرهم ويحافظون على أجسادهم، إذ أن السارق يقدم على السرقة ليغذي جسده، أما الزاني فإنه يسلب جسده بيده ويضعفه. إن الزاني يفصل جسده عن الكنيسة التي هي جسد المسيح ويربط نفسه بالشيطان الذي طبع عليه نتانته وفساده.
الوحي المقدس يذكر قصة يوسف العفيف هذا الفتى الضعيف الذي تمت له الغلبة والمجد بهربه من الزنى.امور كثيرة كانت تغويه وهو في السن الذي يقوى فيه حب الملذات. ما أقوى غواية سيدة الفرعون الجميلة ومراودتها له، ولكن بالمقابل ما أعظم فضيلة العفاف!
إذن لنكره الأساليب التي تحبب إلينا الزنى ولنبتعد عنها ولنغمض عيوننا عن ملذاته وفتنه وليكن العفاف حارساً لأجسادنا ولتسد الطهارة أعضائنا حتى تكون أجسادنا هيكلاً للروح القدس.
ولنكتب على صفحات القلب، الحكم المعلن في الكتاب: "من يفسد هيكل الله يدمره الله" (1 كو 3 : 17)
By Anonymous Author
Pope Francis' Sunday Angelus Message on July 07, 2013
Pope Francis prayed the Angelus with pilgrims and tourists gathered in St Peter's Square this Sunday. Ahead of the traditional prayer of Marian devotion, Pope Francis spoke of the common missionary mandate of all the baptized, as well as the special way in which those called to priesthood and religious life respond to the common Christian vocation. The Holy Father also praised the courage of those discerning vocations, and asked for the prayers of all the faithful in their behalf. After the Angelus, Pope Francis returned to discuss his Encyclical, Lumen fidei, which he released this past Friday. Below, please find the English translation of his remarks.
Dear brothers and sisters!
First of all I want to share with you the joy of having encountered, yesterday and today, a special Year of Faith pilgrimage: that of seminarians & novices. Please pray for them, that their love for Christ might mature more and more in their lives and that they might become true missionaries of God's Kingdom.
This Sunday's Gospel (Lk 10:1-12.17-20) speaks to us precisely of this: of the fact that Jesus is not an isolated missionary, does not want to fulfill his mission alone, but involves his disciples. Today we see that, in addition to the Twelve Apostles, He calls seventy-two others, and sends them into the villages, two by two, to announce that the Kingdom of God is near. This is very beautiful! Jesus does not want to act alone, He has come to bring to the world the love of God and wants to spread that love with a style of communion and fraternity. For this reason, he forms immediately a community of disciples, which is a missionary community. Iright from the start, He trains them for the mission, to go [on the mission].
Beware, however: the purpose is not to socialize, to spend time together – no, the purpose is to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and this is urgent! There is no time to waste in small talk, no need to wait for the consent of all – there is need only of going out and proclaiming. The peace of Christ is to be brought to everyone, and if some do not receive it, then you go on. To the sick is to be brought healing, because God wants to heal man from all evil. How many missionaries do this! They sow life, health, comfort to the peripheries of the world.
These seventy-two disciples, whom Jesus sent ahead of him, who are they? Whom do they represent? If the Twelve are the Apostles, and therefore also represent the Bishops, their successors, these may represent seventy-two other ordained ministers - priests and deacons - but in a wider sense we can think of other ministries in the Church, catechists and lay faithful who engage in parish missions, those who work with the sick, with the various forms of discomfort and alienation, but always as missionaries of the Gospel, with the urgency of the Kingdom that is at hand.
The Gospel says that those seventy-two returned from their mission full of joy, because they had experienced the power of the Name of Christ against evil. Jesus confirms this: to these disciples He gives the strength to defeat the evil one. He adds, though: “Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. (Luke 10:20)” We should not boast as if we were the protagonists: the protagonist is the Lord [and] His grace. Our joy is only this: [in] being His disciples, His friends. May Our Lady help us to be good servants of the Gospel.
After the Angelus, Pope Francis returned to discuss his Encyclical On the Light of Faith
Dear brothers and sisters,
As you know, two days ago was published the Encyclical Letter on the subject of faith, entitled Lumen fidei, “The light of faith”. For the Year of Faith, Pope Benedict XVI had started this Encyclical, which follows on from those on charity and hope. I picked up this project and I have finished it. I offer it with joy to the whole People of God: in fact, especially today, we need to go to the essentials of the Christian faith, to deepen it, and to measure current issues by it. But I think that this encyclical, at least in some parts, can also be useful to those who are searching for God and for the meaning of life. I put it in the hands of Mary, the perfect icon of faith, that it may bring in the fruits that the Lord wants.
I address my cordial greeting to all of you, dear faithful of Rome and pilgrims. I greet in particular the youth of the Diocese of Rome who are preparing to leave for Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day. Dear young people, I too am preparing! Let us walk together towards this great celebration of faith! May Our Lady accompany us.
I greet the Franciscan Sisters and the Rosminian Angeline Sisters, who are holding their General Chapters, and the leaders of the Community of Sant'Egidio come from different countries for the training course. To all, a happy Sunday!
Pope Francis Signs the Canonization Decrees For John XXIII And John Paul II
Pope Francis has approved the cause for canonization of two of his venerable and much loved predecessors Blessed John XXIII and Blessed Pope John Paul II. Meeting with Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of Saints, Friday morning, Pope Francis approved the promulgation of the decree and also convoked a special Consistory of the College of Cardinals to discuss the canonization of the Polish pope in depth.
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Blessed Pope John Paul II's Tomb at the Vatican |
Furthermore, he approved the favorable votes of the Ordinary Session of the Congregations Cardinals and Bishops regarding the raising to the altars of sainthood of Blessed John XXII. This slightly unusual gesture was explained by Fr. Lombardi who told journalists that despite the absence of a second miracle it was the Pope’s will that the Sainthood of the great Pope of the Second Vatican Council be recognized.
Fr. Lombardi stated that a canonization without a second miracle is still valid, given that there is already the existing miracle that lead to the Roncalli Pope’s beatification. He also pointed to ongoing discussions among theologians and experts about whether it is necessary to have two distinct miracles for beatification and canonization. Certainly, he added the Pope has the power to dispense, in a Cause, with the second miracle.
However, there was no mention of dates. Neither for the Consistory nor for the Canonizations. Fr. Lombardi did not rule out that both celebrations could coincide, and he did express his belief that they would take place by the end of the year. Either way any date would be established during the Consistory.
Message of the Virgin Mary to Nonbelievers on July 02, 2013 From Medjugorje
"Dear children, with a motherly love I am imploring you to give me the gift of your hearts, so I can present them to my Son and free you – free you from all the evil enslaving and distancing you all the more from the only Good – my Son – from everything which is leading you on the wrong way and is taking peace away from you. I desire to lead you to the freedom of the promise of my Son, because I desire for God's will to be fulfilled completely here; and that through reconciliation with the Heavenly Father, through fasting and prayer, apostles of God's love may be born – apostles who will freely, and with love, spread the love of God to all my children – apostles who will spread the love of the trust in the Heavenly Father and who will keep opening the gates of Heaven. Dear children, extend the joy of love and support to your shepherds, just as my Son has asked them to extend it to you. Thank you."
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